
Saturday 2 March 2013

Superman: The Movie (1978)

The original cosplayer needs no introduction. The first 50 minutes are fantastic. Director Donner brought a real sense of scope and intimacy with his framing and his timing, but the remainder of the film is less successful.
When Reeve appears a shift in the story begins and it’s a bad one. I'm not blaming Reeve, he was perfect. The problem is Lex Luthor is non-threatening. The dilemma that Superman faces is underplayed and the resolution is weak.
I believe what makes the film so enduring is Reeve's and Kidder’s onscreen chemistry and the iconic musical score.
The extended cut adds extra Brando, which pleased me greatly.

3 cheers for bulletproof spandex out of 5


  1. I never really liked this film too much.

    I liked Reeve and even Hackman's used car salesman like take on Luthor but the rest left much to be desired.

    Williams' theme is a personal favorite though. I always got giddy when Mark Snow would quote bits & pieces of it on Smallville.

    3 "how the feck does a reporter afford that penthouse?" out of 5

  2. I wasn’t sure how anyone else felt about it. I was prepared for getting crucified for giving just a 3.

    I like Hackman as an actor but didn’t like his Luthor. I don’t know if it was his idea to play it that way, or the director, or script writer etc.

    The early part of Clarke's life is hurried in the film but it's the best part.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.