
Tuesday 19 March 2013

Fuck (2005)

A documentary about the most versatile word in the entire English language. After a brief exploration of the etymology, a number of people give their reasons for using the word or abstaining from using it. I didn't recognise half of them, but that’s nothing new for me.
What's clear was that the film is definitely not representative of English speakers as a whole. 90% of participants were American and most of them felt the need to bring politics into the equation. I really couldn't give a shit about America’s proclivity for censoring its own political language, so I was very, very bored most of the time.

Warning: The film uses footage from the end of Brian De Palma’s Scarface (1983), so if you haven’t seen it you’ll be in spoiler territory.

2 tedious bombs out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.