
Sunday 3 February 2013


Wristcutters: A Love Story is a romantic black comedy road trip flick from Croatian short film director Goran Dukić.
It takes place in a miserable afterlife world inhabited only by people who have committed suicide.  As dark & twisted as the unique idea is, it somehow comes off as charming and cute as well with an underlining melancholy thoughtfulness to give it brains.  It's filled with interesting characters both leading and bit parts, strange fantasy elements and stark photography.  It's greatest weakness is the third act which gets a bit messy but ties it up nicely by the final moments.

3½ black holes out of 5

1 comment:

  1. This has been on my Netflix queue for quite awhile. The title intrigued me but I never got around to watching it. I think I'll bump it up now.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.