
Saturday 23 February 2013

The Butterfly Effect: Director’s Cut (2004)

The title refers to the principle that if you change one thing, everything that follows is also changed. It’s happening all around you, even now while you read this. If you could undo a traumatic event in your past what would it change about your present? Would it make you a better person?
It's a plot device almost as old as sci-fi itself, so the film distinguishes itself from what’s gone before by adding some heavy adult themes and upping the severity of the consequences.

NOTE: Score applies to the Dir. Cut, which has a more emotionally powerful ending than the theatrical version.

3 nonlinear systems out of 5


  1. I don't much like Ashton Kutcher so I held back from seeing this for awhile.

    When I finally did see it, I quite liked it.

    I decided to give it a chance because Elden Henson and Melora Walters are pretty decent.

    3½ dogs in the bag out of 5

  2. It's the only Kutcher film I've ever seen. I thought he did good.
    I hope you watched the Dir cut. The ending really was better.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.