
Monday 25 February 2013

Running on Karma (2003)

What the hell is this? It's a mess from beginning to end, that's what. It’s not the quality I've come to expect from Andy Lau and Johnnie To. Hang on, it's co-directed by Ka-Fai Wai; that explains part of it.
Lau wears a prosthetic muscle suit to make him look like a body builder, but it makes him look ridiculous. Seeing him running in his naked muscle suit down a road was funny for all the wrong reasons. Bendy CGI beardy Faqir was stupid. And who the hell was slippy crawly over building man? The plot makes very little sense. The ending is a shambles. My poor eyes.

1½ tissue adverts out of 5


  1. Tissue adverts?

    You get excited when you tissue adverts in films?

    Saw a pic of Lau in this. Thought it was a comedy. Apparently not.

  2. Parts of it are comedy but mostly even it doesn't know what it is.

    It was sponsored by Kleenex, so they have a Kleenex moment. I didn't have one.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.