
Thursday 7 February 2013

[REC] ³: GENESIS [2012]

The third installment in the [REC] horror series, titled Genesis, features director Paco Plaza flying solo this time around.  
Thankfully, the found footage aspect of the series is dropped 20 minutes into the film and plays the rest of it out like a regular film, completely ignoring why these films are called [REC] in the first place.  In a bold move, a healthy dose of humor is inserted into the film, risking alienating hardcore manboy fans of the more serious predecessors. It's more laughs, nary a thrill or chill and contrary to it's title, Genesis, no real explanation of the origin of the "virus".  As troubled as the film is, I found it to have it's entertaining moments and not as bad as the 2nd film.

2½ Spongebob copyrights out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.