
Monday 11 February 2013

MR. BROOKS [2007]

Stand By Me screenwriter Bruce A. Evans directs Kevin Costner as a serial killer in the twisted, psychological thriller Mr. Brooks.
William Hurt chews up the scenes as Costner's deliciously evil psyche giving the film an intriguing and fascinating first act.  The second act starts to complicate things but shows promise that it will unravel into something jaw-dropping.  The third act collapses under it's own weight & the multiple ludicrous sub-plots that might have been forgiven had they been handled with more care and wit.  The shining light throughout the entire film is surprisingly Demi Moore as the hardened detective on Costner's trail.  If she was smart she'd seek out more roles like these because she's quite believable in it.

3 plastic bags out of 5 


  1. I saw this when it was originally released in theaters and had a mixed reaction. I really don't remember much about it except the ending. I actually don't even remember Demi Moore being in it. May need to revisit this one some time soon.

  2. My reaction was really mixed too. I think that's why I ended up breaking it into 3 acts for the Nut.

    It was like a mix of American Psycho, Johnny The Homicidal Maniac and Raising Cain (without a wonderful over-the-top performance from John Lithgow).

    I was impressed with Moore because I was expecting the worst. A movie with Demi Moore, Kevin Costner and Dane Cook? Feck, this is gonna hurt. Turns out it didn't so much.

    So very frustrating that Evans dug himself into a messy hole by the third act though. So very frustrating.

  3. All I could think of when I saw the title was "... the bird-like Mr. Brooks," and "Saint Francis and his sparrows."


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.