
Thursday 21 February 2013

Blade: Trinity (2004)

I can think of a dozen very good reasons why you wouldn't want to watch the third and (hopefully) final entry in the franchise. I’ll list the top three:
1. Ryan Reynolds.
2. Ryan Reynolds.
3. Everything else.
It’s also too long; it should have been cut by about 122 minutes.

0½ a vampire vibrator out of 5


  1. You paid what? 1 doc dollar for this POS?

    I'd take it back and demand 5 back.

    Then should have known. should have known. :notgood:

  2. One British pound. It works out at $1.55 of your funny money.
    I’m beginning to suspect they see me coming. “It’s doc… let’s hide all the good movies and put the crap on the shelves. He’ll buy any old shit if it’s cheap enough.” FML

  3. You paid more than I did. I feel less unlucky now. :)


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.