
Saturday 12 January 2013


Director Kathryn Bigelow tells the true story of the manhunt for al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in the controversial procedural spy-thriller Zero Dark Thirty.
Like The Hurt Locker, she carries the film with uneasy tension, only instead of thrilling tension, it's an emotional one that made me feel queasy in some of its more intense moments.  Utilizing effective camerawork that gives the appearance of a human eye watching, rather than a camera, the film never ceases to allow the emotional tension to break until it's final moments.  Viewers might be turned off looking to be entertained because this technical film is far from entertainment. It might be nearly 3 hours long but not a minute is wasted on filler which I can't say for a few of the other "critically acclaimed" films of the year.

4 motherfuckers who find places out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.