
Wednesday 16 January 2013


After the surprisingly funny Role Models I expected director David Wain's Wanderlust to supply some good chuckles as well.  
Feck, was I ever wrong.  It had a few funny moments but mostly fell trap to overly long and awkward moments that tried too hard to be weird or outlandish.  This would be a perfect example of why I dislike the majority of comedy films today.  
Utter trash.

1 penguin with testicular cancer out of 5


  1. Yikes. I wouldn't even touch this with your pole. I imagine it makes my last night's turd film look good.

  2. It was on early in the day, I fell asleep about 20 minutes in.

    Picked up where I left off in the early evening on VOD and fell asleep again. XD

    I think I missed about 10 or 15 minutes somewhere but I'm not willing to go back to see if it's 10-15 minutes of comedy gold.

  3. Mother watched this and scolded me for not warning her about this shitfest.


  4. The trailer sucked me into this one but I mostly agree with your review. I laughed hard at certain scenes but there were others where I just covered my eyes and wished for them to be over.

    I liked Role Models, (I own it) but had I been as much of a fan of it as you, this would have let me down more. Imo Aniston is partly to blame. She was awful. 2 "someone say cut already" out of 5 from me.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.