
Wednesday 9 January 2013


Director Jason Moore makes his feature film debut with the surprisingly funny and sharp-witted Pitch Perfect.
Walking into it I was expecting a silly teen comedy with unlikable characters dwelling in eye-rolling melodrama while riding on the coattails of Glee but I was surprised to find a character-driven comedy filled with some really neat vocal work.  It's comedic timing is spot on with a blend of crude humour and biting dialogue.  A charming, funny film that turned out to be a lot better than I thought it would be.

3½  breakfast clubs out of 5


  1. Saw it expecting also a glee clone that was a few years late. Was pleasantly surprised. Dl'ed the soundtrack. Rebel Wilson is becoming quite a scene stealer in any movie she's in.

    3½ Drive-by Burritos out of 5

  2. Rebel is great.

    Been watching quite a few late night talk show interviews on the youtubes with her over the past week, which got me interested enough to watch the film.

  3. funny. That's how I heard about it as well. She made a joke about how she only got the part because she sort of looks like Adele. :laugh:


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.