
Wednesday 30 January 2013


The 4th film in the inane Paranormal Activity series might just be for the diehard fans only.
It offers nothing but a few lukewarms scares and some interesting new gimmicks but simply not enough to shake things up a little.  Thankfully the lead character and her friend aren't written as the usual spoiled teenage bitch & douchebag and instead come off as smart & easy to like. Be sure to check back sometime later this year for a Nut of the 5th film because, well, I like torturing myself for your sake, gentle reader.  

1 X-box Kinect pixel dot out of 5 


  1. It was one of those films that never took you by surprise. I anticipated the "scare" in almost every scene.

    I'd like to know what the dad does for a living. That house was insane. And how many laptops did they own? Like 8?

  2. I thought the cat was an interesting and complex character.

    He deserved more screen time.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.