
Thursday 20 December 2012


Director Glen Morgan gives the Canadian slasher cult classic Black Christmas a modern retelling that feels like a large lump of coal up the ass.
I deserve the punishment I received by watching this for even thinking to myself "I know!  I'll give this one a try."  It's completely void of any sort of humour, genuine scares and originality, which sometimes can be forgiven with gruesome, hilarious death scenes but that'd be too good a punishment.  Some of the camerawork and lighting is interesting in the flashback scenes but even that gets a little irritating.  
A lazy, uninspired shitfest sums it up in a roasted chestnut shell.

1 flesh angel cookie out of 5


  1. This is the £1 store atm. I picked it up a few days ago and quickly put it back on the shelf. My shit horror movie radar blipped at me. I'm glad.

  2. :rofldata: :rofldata:

    My shit horror sirens were blaring but for some reason I thought I'd enjoy a Piece Of Shit.

    I didn't loathe it...just felt like it was a colossal waste of time.

    ....still eons better than the F13th and Elm St. remakes.

  3. I agree that the Elm Street remake was awful and forgettable but I really enjoyed the F13th reimagining.

    I haven't seen the BC remake but it's still on my Netflix queue and I do plan on watching it. I honestly thought the original was pretty forgettable. I remember the ending being very disappointing and vague.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.