
Saturday 24 November 2012

LOOPER [2012]

Writer/director Rian Johnson works with a bigger palate on his third feature film, the sci-fi thriller Looper.  Casting Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a young Bruce Willis is a little distracting at times, due to bizarre looking contact lenses & make-up but as the film progresses you forget due to the fascinating story unfolding before you.  Nerds will piss & moan about the time-travelling plotholes but that's missing the point of the film.  It's not about's about choices & consequences.  It may not be a perfect film but certainly a damned fine entertaining one.

4 froggy warnings out of 5


  1. Yay! Go May movie alumnus! Rian was one of the editors on the film.

    Actually didn't know he directed this till I looked at your nut. I'll have to watch this now. I never saw Brick either.

    You can actually find his first (short) film on YouTube. It's called Evil Demon Golfball From Hell.

  2. :D I only recently found out he edited May.

    It gave me movie nerd jollies.

    Haven't seen his short. I'll go check it out. Thanks. :)


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.