
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Riding the Bullet (2004)

A twenty-one-year-old guy obsessed with death hitchhikes back to the town where he grew up. You can guess the rest from the cover art.
Mick Garris can’t decide if he wants to make a comedy, a trippy road movie or a straightforward horror and as a result there are too many different approaches that drag the viewer out of the story, causing the atmosphere that he seems capable of building to collapse in a fractured shambles. The biggest shock was that David Arquette was good. 0_o

2½ if you’re going to suicide just do it and quit being a little bitch out of 5


  1. Mick Garris. :rofldata:

    The last Garris nut looks like the same movie except a different color.

    Had to check a moment to see if it was.

  2. It does look the same! 0_0
    The Chattery Teeth. Jebus. I'd forgotten about that farce.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.