
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Love Exposure (2008)

When a movie is nearly four hours long, it's fighting an uphill battle. Even a well-paced, smartly written movie  can start to wear on you after 200 minutes. Love Exposure is many things, some good, and some bad, but the one thing it never is is boring.

Love Exposure is perhaps the weirdest, most complicated love story ever told. It probably also has the most pantyshots ever seen in a single film. It's hard to tell if it's a complex exploration of Japanese culture, or an exploration of director Shion Sono fetishes. There's way too much shaky cam, and the plot is problematic, but the characters are surprisingly entertaining and the soundtrack is a lot of fun. I'm not sure if I liked this movie, and I don't think I'll ever sit down again, but it kept my interest, and that's saying something.

2.5 erection epiphanies out of 5.


  1. When I started reading this nut I had no intention of watching this but as soon as you it mentioned Shion Sono it really peaked my interest.

    I did not enjoy his film Cold Fish but I am a fan of Suicide Club and Strange Circus was okay. I probably won't watch this one but it's always nice to hear about his films.

  2. I'm doing Cold Fish next! I liked it more than this one. Bleak, bleak movie though.

    I can't really recommend this one because it's so long and it's so weird. And not always in the awesome Suicide Club way.

  3. I like weird, I like weird a lot.

    You just peaked my interest again.

    Cold Fish just bored me to death. Maybe if I had more knowledge of the true crime. I was sick of the main character 30 min. in.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.