
Sunday 14 October 2012

Gossip (2000)

A slickly presented thriller that explores how quickly a small misdeed on campus can spiral out of control, and the consequences that follow.
It’s aimed squarely at a young adult audience, so the primary objective is to entertain that demographic at the expense of all else. However, the inclusion of Lena Headey keeps it from falling into the hole of 'all tits - no talent' that most of these kind of things stumble head first into.
James Marsden, despite looking and acting like a younger Tom Cruise, wasn't as useless as he usually is. It's entertaining nonsense.

3 endings that take a sharp left turn into disappointment avenue out of 5


  1. Never would have figured.

    I can honestly say I'm surprised that this got a 3...

    ...and a 3 from Doc at that as well.

  2. I surprised myself. :)
    It reminded me of Shallow Grave in places, which is very weird as I was planning to watch Shallow Grave again a few nights ago but didn't.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.