
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Appaloosa (2008)

I love a good western. Appaloosa delivers. It’s not particularly innovative in the story department, two men are hired to protect a town from a violent antagonist, but the main characters are so wonderfully rich that you won’t mind. The friendship between Viggo Mortensen and Ed Harris is a beautiful thing. The bond between them is constantly reinforced as they share screen space much of the time. The cinematography is subtle but flawless. It’s piss-inducing funny at times, too.
Ed Harris adapted the story, directed, starred and even did a song for the end credits. It's his baby.

4 what's the word I'm looking for? out of 5


  1. I didn't like this movie too much.

    Somebody overhyped it for me and I love Ed & Viggo so I thought naturally it'd kick ass and bought it.

    Watched it once and it collects dust.

    I hate Renee Zellweger too.

    I'll try it again someday, now though. Perhaps with my expectations lowered it'll be a much more enjoyable experience.

    For now, it's a very weak 3.

  2. I didn't mention Renee. :) I pushed her out of my mind. It was the friendship between the two men that utterly won me over. They didn't even need to speak to know each other's thoughts. Loved that! Ed and Viggo! I mean... feck!


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.