
Sunday 29 July 2012


M. Night Shyamalan's crafted some well-made B-movies since The Sixth Sense but it wasn't until The Happening that the "joke" wore off.
The viewer is assaulted with bad acting, writing, direction and so many bad bumps and flaws in the pacing it's embarrassing.  It might have greatly benefited from not being so quick to reveal itself and an ensemble cast to give it more of a "bad disaster" flick but instead we're only left to give a rat's ass about Mark Wahlberg & Zooey Deschanel.   Fuck that.  They're about as fun as watching a tree grow and do scary tree stuff....whic really isn't that scary.

1 watch out for that plant! out of 5


  1. This was on TV a few days ago. I warned someone against watching it. She should've thanked me.
    The opening was fantastic. I'll give it a point for that.
    Then deduct that point for the shitty relationships, and lack of anything entertaining for the next 80 minutes.

  2. The opening was really neat...and then it just falls apart.
    Shyamalan needs to get someone else to write his films.
    I'm quite fond of his direction when he picks actors who can act...his plotting, pacing and dialogue are unforgivable. :rofldata:

  3. Stealing the joke about the irony of a movie called the Happening where nothing happens.
    Boring, boring, boring.
    0 Torch the fauna into submission. Fire solves everything out of 5.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.