
Sunday 29 July 2012

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

The promise of the Venom symbiote entering the Spidey world got fans in a fap-tizzy prior to the release of film number three, myself included, but it's a huge disappointment. It appears from nowhere and has no motivation. Elsewhere some new characters are similarly devoid of back-story to leave more time for lengthy action scenes that'll please the action junkie or your twelve-year-old niece. Peter has some excellent scenes in a film that almost got the square button half-way through.

2 pills for Jameson out of 5


  1. Poop.

    I hate that Venom was used for this.

    I'm not against Topher Grace being fact I was fine with that. It was just poorly handled.

    I would have been fine with just Sandman.

    Tobey has some fine comedic scenes in this...but they are so out of place they're just bothersome. I hate that shit.

    2 maybe 2.5.

  2. I found parts of it entertaining, but it's a mess. Too much trying to be crammed in there and Harry's entire plot is ridiculous.
    I would also have been fine with just Sandman minus the retcon of Uncle Ben's carjacking.

    2 grenades to the face out of 5


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.