
Sunday 29 July 2012

Spider-Man (2002)

High school science nerd by day, costumed superhero without pockets by night, Peter Parker has the worst of both worlds. The balance of action and characterisation could be better, but it's still damn good fun.
Casting is the biggest problem. Tobey Maguire is good as Peter, and J. K. Simmons is the perfect personification of J. Jonah Jameson, but the rest of the cast are either simmering just above average or downright irritating. If viewed as an essential set-up for the next film, it's easier to forgive its flaws.

3 reasons I'd let that bitch fall out of 5


  1. Probably about a 3 from me too.

    I'm not awfully fond of Dafoe's Osborn/Goblin at all.

    I think he was a really poor choice for the role.
    ...and when your lead villain isn't good it really hurts a comic book film.

    ...that and dumb bint.

  2. I liked Dafoe if only for his enthusiasm.
    I think over-the-top works for the material at hand.
    3½ Money can't compete with superhero cockblocks out of 5.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.