
Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Skeleton Key (2005)

I saw The Skeleton Key when it first came out because I was bored, and was fairly disappointed. The film has not improved upon re-watching.

There's one scene that's delightfully horrifying when you think about it, but other than that, it's just a really mediocre movie. There's nothing offensively bad about it, but it's frequently boring, and that's usually the biggest sin a movie can make. Kate Hudson is known for starring in rom-coms, and this movie is sort of a rom-com of horror movies. Predictable, characters acting like idiots, and no time devoted to the things that would actually be interesting. At least the scenery is nice.

1.5 special bowls of gumbo out of 5.


  1. Ahh...yes I saw this when it was in theaters too.

    Was on a huge scary movie kick with my gf at the time. Had to see every horror film that came out.

    This one, if I recall correctly, had a neat atmosphere and setting and that's about it.

  2. Is this the film with the sheep? And the crazy woman?
    If it is I've seen it.
    It was kind of meh.
    If it doesn't have sheep, pretend I'm not here. Please.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.