
Sunday 8 July 2012


Ridley Scott's first visit back to the Alien-verse since 1979, Prometheus, is a bit of a questionable one.
While it's nice to see a sci-fi film using physical sets and animatronics instead of 99.9% CGI, there's just too many elements missing to make it a bit disappointing.  The characters are bland and dumb as fuck, there's an extreme lack of menace and you can't help but feel that it went through rewrite hell.  However there are some great set-pieces and some VERY memorable scenes that will haunt me forever.
As a popcorn film it's an entertaining an Alien film, it's a colossal disappointment.

2½ Peter O'Toole's out of 5

1 comment:

  1. No rush to see this one but I'm sure I'll have it thrust upon me someday by a friend.
    My biggest gripe about Ridley in general is he's all about spectacle, often to the detriment of the story. Not in a Bay way, in a techy way. When he keeps it under control and couples it with strong characters (Ripley, Deckard) he does great work.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.