
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Che: Part One (2008)

People are afraid to criticise political films in case they’re accused of being unsympathetic or biased. I care not. The truth is, as a film experience Che fails to present a satisfying linear narrative. It feels like a collection of moments in time stitched arbitrarily together. It’s both an incomplete history lesson that teaches almost nothing about the revolution and a biopic that fails to present its protagonist in an interesting manner. I was left not caring about either aspect and lost interest quickly.

2½ beards, cigars and man-hugs out of 5


  1. Feck. Ouch.

    They tried screening the film as a whole originally and had an intermission, where most folks never came back. lol.

    I guess splitting it up into 2 parts doesn't help either.

  2. The cast were great, even the small players but they had nothing emotional to work with.
    And the natural light was sexy.
    It wasn't enough to save it from being average.
    I have part 2 to endure sometime this week. I hope it's better.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.