
Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Blair Witch is an incredibly challenging movie to rate, because watching it back in the 90s was a completely different experience than sitting down with it today. I vividly remember trying to reason why this movie couldn't be real as I tried to fall asleep, but it's not just that the movie's long been debunked. It's been aped so much since that it feels cliche where it once felt fresh, dull when it once was fascinating.

It hasn't stood the test of time, but there's a part of me that still likes it a lot. It feels more real than your average found footage film - maybe because it's so amateurish, but I like that authenticity. The camera work gives me a headache, but nostalgia or not, the movie still has its charms.

2.5 hanging stickmen out of 5.


  1. Hmmm...interesting.

    I'll admit I haven't seen it since it first came out. Saw 2 or 3 times. Liked it.

    Judging by memory, I can fully agree with your review. I'll have to see it again to give it a proper rating. I suspect it will be about the same.

    The part with all the hands against the tent almost made me pee my pants. :laugh: Wiggins.

  2. Saw it on the big screen when it was released but not revisited it since then. Can't remember a damn thing about it. Story of my life.

  3. I wasn't impressed when it first came out mostly because the people in it are assholes and thus I couldn't care less if the witch made coats out of them.
    Loses points for the nauseating shaky cam and I don't really get scared at movies anyway thus I was mostly just bored.
    If he had been fapping in that corner at the end it would have been scarier.

    1 I wiped my ass with the map so they would die out of 5

  4. Agreed the characters are douches.

    Forgot about that.

    Heather (I think her name was) was particularly annoying.

    Wasn't she the one who kept on egging them on?


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.