
Thursday 19 July 2012

All The Queen's Men (2001)

All The Queen's Men has the world record for the worst cost to profit ratio in film history, costing $634 for every $1 it made.
On paper, it's easy to see why. Matt LeBlanc leads a team of losers parachuted into Nazi Germany to steal an Engima machine while dressed as women. It should suck giant greasy monkey balls. It doesn't. It's actually quite good, with a clever script, strong characters, an unflinching look at war, a good eye for history, and, by the way, funny.

4 cypher rotors out of 5.
Wait? Was that Udo Keir? Oh shit, it totally was.

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.