
Sunday 24 June 2012

Silent House (2011)

I was excited going into this. It was a horror movie based on something I hadn't watched, shot in a single take. Sadly, it failed to live up to any of my expectations. The appeal of real time films is how they build up tension, but this film never really tried to do that. Its single take is just a gimmick, and not a very good one, since there are some obvious scene changes. I spotted the plot twist early on, and I doubt it would have been satisfying even if it was better executed.

What saves this movie is Elizabeth Olsen, who gives a stunning performance and does her best to elevate the shoddy script. She deserves to be doing better films than this one, but I was impressed enough by her to give this movie a better score than it probably deserves.

2 boxes of Polaroids out of 5.

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.