
Thursday 28 June 2012

Julia's Eyes (2010)

I went into this expecting a horror movie, but what I got was a thriller with a couple creepy scenes. I was initially disappointed, but the movie eventually won me over. It's what I imagine a Mary Higgins Clark book would be like if they weren't all awful.

There were a few irritating, borderline plot hole moments, but overall, this was an enjoyable film. There are hints of Hitchcock here, and I was stunned at how effective some of its scenes were. If the movie's lead character had felt a little more believable, or had had more reasons for behaving so irrationally, this would have been great. As is, it's just good, but definitely worth a watch. It would've made a terrific Masters of Horror episode.

3 eyes that contain the universe out of 5.


  1. Hmm...I've been wondering about this one for awhile now.

    I quite liked Morales "The Uninvited Guest" for it's thriller-like creepiness. Thought this one might be more of a horror film...apparently not.

    I'd still check it out sometime.

  2. I tend to get really freaked out when people are wearing blindfolds, so I was surprised I didn't think this one was scary. There are a couple horror movie esque scenes, I just wouldn't label it horror as a whole. It's definitely worth watching.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.