
Sunday 13 May 2012

The Hunger Games (2012)

I managed to avoid The Hunger Games trend for ages. Then, a friend wanted to see the film, and I read all three books and saw the movie in a weekend. Thankfully, the film is a decent adaptation that sticks closely to the source material while adding interesting new elements.

However, when it comes to action, The Hunger Games fails. It relies on shaky-cam for its PG-13 rating, meaning the brutality of the games is lost. The film also seems to assume viewers have read the books. If I hadn't sped through them before hitting the theaters, several elements would have left me lost. In comparison to the last young adult success story, Twilight, The Hunger Games is a masterpiece. Taken alone, it's simply okay.

2 and 1/2 genetically altered bee induced hallucinations out of 5.


  1. I'll stick to drinking games.

  2. Finally got around to this one.

    It was fairly enjoyable.

    Jennifer Lawrence & Josh Hutcherson carried the film with confidence. Woody Harrelson was great. Elizabeth Banks seems to be getting better with each role she's in. Isabelle Fuhrman is effectively scary still. ...and Donald Sutherland is always a joy.

    Although, you're right. I was a bit lost in parts, having not read the book. I wouldn't have been opposed to an extra 20 minutes to explain a bit more and get to know some of the other contestants a little more to up the suspense.

    A weak 3 mockingjays out of 5


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.