
Saturday 3 March 2012

TRON: Legacy (2010)

A slickly, neon-lit hollow experience. It’s like putting Christmas lights on a carcass. The deeper meanings are glossed over, if indeed they ever existed in the first place. Who knows? There was so many writers involved and it’s still painfully predictable.
It’s eye candy that looks attractive until you realise the sugar topping is an artificial sweetener. Perhaps today’s kids will look on it as fondly as I do the original? I won’t be around to find out.

1½ shite cycle out of 5


  1. It's pretty much pure crap....with Olivia Wilde in a nice suit. :naughty:

    I didn't think much of the first one either so I didn't have my childhood raped with this one (as the kids like to say).

    A weak 2 from me.

  2. She was the best thing in it; that surprised me. Not because it's her, because I assumed she would be just there to sex it up a bit. There could have been a whole Eve sub-plot going on with her but that would have required imagination.

  3. 2 the soundtrack is nipple bitingly great out of 5

  4. :eye: 4 sexy, struttin Sam Flynn asses out of 5.
    the deluxe soundtrack with all the extra tracks gathered together gets 5 upgrades out of 5.

  5. Four?! Were you... did you ... pervert. :eye:

  6. Sparky must've been taking hits from the bong with Jeff Bridges. :laugh:


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.