
Tuesday 6 March 2012


Joss Whedon's Serenity acts like a big screen series finale to his short-lived sci-fi western TV series, Firefly.
Wrapping up the loose ends, Serenity leaps right into the action. It should be noted that you don't have to watch the series to understand the story but you won't understand the characters and that's really the most important factor of Whedon's storytelling.
Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk & Adam Baldwin continue to entertain with their roles, while Summer Glau, who was the weakest part of the series, brings a surprisingly strong presence to the big screen.
It's darker, moodier and a little more violent than Firefly but it's a fitting farewell to the crew of the Serenity.

4 BIG DAMN Movies out of 5


  1. Chiwetel Ejiofor was great as the operative.
    4 There is no deleted scene where they fire that funeral rocket out of 5

  2. The moody bronzed lighting gave it a whole different feel. The deleted scenes show how beautiful it could’ve looked if they hadn’t went crazy in post-prod.

    I found an easter-egg on the disc that gave me a laugh.

    2½ your body armour stopped a bullet but I'll punch you there anyway and you'll feel it out of 5

  3. Yea! With the octopus and the little song and the expanding boobies. T'was the funnies.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.