
Thursday 15 March 2012

Saturday Night Fever (1977)

Travolta is an arrogant asshole in this 70’s disco dance fest. His blunt put downs of the women that flock around him are hysterical. And so was his dancing, it was piss-inducing funny. I couldn't take any of it seriously in the first half. Favourite moment: at the dinner table with his family JT gets protective of his hair.
I don’t dance, I don’t go to discos and I don’t like the Bee Gees, but strip all that away and there's enjoyment to be had in the character growth, even if there are threads left dancing in the wind all over the place by the end.

3 don't hurt your pussy finger out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.