
Sunday 4 March 2012

28 Days Later (2002)

It's John Wyndham's Day of the Triffids without the Triffids. It's shot in Britain so the lighting is shitty; plus it's on early DV, so it's grainy as hell. The extras show what it could have looked like if it was on celluloid. I’d have preferred that. Somehow director Danny Boyle makes it good. The music makes it great.

4 here's blood in your eye out of 5


  1. XD This has been sitting by my DVD player since Halloween waiting to be nutted.

    I really, really like the grainy. Makes it more unsettling to me.

    The first 2 acts of this film are perfect in every way.

    I don't think the final act is as bad as everyone says, but it does suffer a bit.

    4 out of 5 from me too.

  2. It's the Alex garland syndrome. A fantastic first 2/3 and then things go awry. Less so with this one, than, say, The Beach.

    He's writing the new Dredd. Makes me excited and nervous.

    Seeing the grainy DV in HD really highlights it's inability to capture depth and contrasts. Check out the production shots the still photographer took on the extras, they are beautiful.

    There was a comic book tie-in. Never read it. I don't have the sequel, either.

  3. My soundtrack came with a mini-comic book.

    It was kinda "meh".

    The 2nd one is pretty decent, not as good but if you're really into this world then it's acceptable.

    Robert Carlyle and Jeremy Renner....good shit.

  4. How long had Britain gone to shit before the soldiers instantly went to the rape solution? Seems they were just itching for it regardless of the zombies.
    3½ Rage viruses got nothing on rage boners out of 5

  5. Britain went to shit about 30 years ago.

  6. 4 Scarecrow VS zombies out of 5!
    part 2 gets 5 sexy Jeremy Renner's out of 5.
    both soundtracks get 4 exquisite John Murphy's out of 5!

  7. I need to get me some more John Murphy. I only have a few. He's great.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.