
Sunday 19 February 2012

Dune (1984)

Scratchy sand, suits with piss in the thighs, giant phallic worms, quasi-religious nonsense and a floating fat man. I love Dune.
It’s a mess that requires you to have a deep knowledge of the book that it’s based on to understand it. You’ll need to be able to fill in the blanks to have even a hope of defending it to the haters. There's some dodgy casting and some inspired casting, and the music is hero music at its finest. One thing is certain: the sets are some of the best you’ll find in an 80’s sci-fi film.

4 litanies against fear out of 5


  1. Strong 3 from me.

    An adaptation shouldn't have to explain anything to the uneducated.

    This film fails to do that.

    That's why it's a 3 and not a 4 from my perverted little brain.

    ...and Linda Hunt has weird ears.

  2. Maybe it did explain more in the working cut? I'd give my favourite testicle to see it, even if it's unfinished.
    I'm guessing when Irulan does the v/o that's to compensate for a loss of plot.
    I have great memories associated with the film so I'll love it despite all its flaws.

  3. :eye:


    Linda Hunt still has weird ears.

  4. The heart-plugs make me squirm.
    I could chance a butt-plug joke now but I've not had breakfast yet, it just wouldn't seem right. :erm:


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.