
Friday 16 December 2011

The Mechanic (2011)

It's Jason Statham (aka The Stath) doing what he does best, which is to play Jason Statham (aka The Stath) being bad-ass and virtually unstoppable. There are no great surprises, but if you can appreciate his brand of cockney hard man charm then you’re in for 90 minutes of mindless and guilty entertainment. There are guns, explosions, stunts and a dumper truck. More than once it reminded me of The Transporter (2002).

3 sexy turntable shots out of 5


  1. enjoyed this a bit more than I did.

    I would have given it 1 less than you.

    Of course I was also really excited to see The Stath and Ben Foster together, so my expectations were really high.

  2. I had watched a really boring 2 hour film before this and was in the mood for some dumb Stath action to wash it away. On the dumb action movie scale it made my ‘better than average’ score (average is 2½).

  3. 3½ Ben Foster always plays psycho convincingly out of 5


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.