
Thursday 8 December 2011

Mandie and the Secret Tunnel (2009)

The Mandie books were never high literature, just generic, mary-sue mystery stories that I happened to love because the leading character shared my name. But somehow, Mandie and the Secret Tunnel has managed to crap all over its meager legacy. Most of the cast is incapable of maintaining an accent, let alone doing any sort of acting. The editing is really, really strange. I actually thought there was a codec issue, but I eventually realized that that's the way the movie is supposed to be. At least 50% of the film is two girls stalling for time while they wait for a male to come accompany them so they can go explore and move the story forward. There's not really much of a plot at all, aside from the will hunt. THERE ARE LIKE 40 MANDIE BOOKS, GUYS. MAYBE NEXT TIME, ADAPT MORE THAN ONE AT ONCE.

0.5 sassy black house servants who like to say child out of 5.


  1. :rofldata:

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's subjected himself to really shitty movies. :D

  2. It's like a rite of passage on the Nuts to get a turd that you had high hopes for. :p

  3. The worst part is I'm thinking about watching the other two. I'm not sure if I want to see if they can come up with a plot or if I just really hate myself. Definitely watching something good first, though.

  4. We share a strange sadomasochistic relationship with film. :laugh:


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.