
Sunday 18 December 2011

Archie's Final Project (2009)

AKA: My Suicide

For his high school class project, Archie decides to kill himself on camera, sparking debate and controversy among campus and all professionals involved. The film itself is treated as found footage, and it's full of jumbled thoughts, distorted feelings and raw emotions, as well as the regurgitated movie and media images that make up the conglomerate of a feverish teenage mind. It's the kind of movie I could have made. I can see people discarding it as emo bullshit, but to me it rings of authentic truth. This also appears to be one of David Carradine's last roles.

5 viewing life like a movie out of 5


  1. I love how popular this movie has become since Shane Dawsons screening! I think it's awesome how much people love this movie! I think what makes me the happiest is that I feel like I'm part of something bigger than a fanbase, I don't want to call it a family, because that's just cliche.. For example; when I worked at Best Buy they would always say, "we're family, we are a family away from family, and if you need anything you can come to us because we're your family." i never knew how to handle that, so I just walked away. I think we are more of a cult, not the ones who rat poison punch and die together. We're more of the type that listen, love, and look out for each other, social networkingly. I love all of you Archies, and you're cool. I would also like to give my appreciation to the cast and crew who made this movie, I love you! Oh, and dear Mr. David Lee Miller, I think your quite awesome. I think it's cool how you give thanks to your fans and comment on their shit! It makes things more authentic, and you wouldn't get that from a blockbuster. Well, I'm going to go to sleep because Beavis and Butt head is on now, and that show freaks me out! I'll talk to you later! XX

  2. I think I speak for everyone when I say...


  3. My first crazy stalker fan! :happycroc:


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.