
Tuesday 29 November 2011

Salt (2010)

Jolie was Russian or maybe she wasn't. I didn't care to find out. It took about two minutes to realise Salt was a piece of shit. If you like shallow Bond movies you might like it; they’re as bad as each other.

0 sleepers out of 5


  1. 3 from me.

    Because I actually watched the whole movie. :P

  2. it intrigues me.

    I'm curious to see if come riding up the middle.


  3. I've weighed this up in my head more than once. Can I judge it if I don't endure it to the end? I can understand and can't argue if someone says that I should have done.

    On the other hand, can I justify wasting 90 minutes of my life on shit? The more crap films I see the more I hate this type of film. I already despise 90% of what Hollywood drops on us. If I watch the bad ones it'll kill me inside and I'll cease watching all of them. So it's in my best interest to hit stop.

    I can't see the 3 at all. The pacing was poor, the acting was worse than TV. Bond movies bore me so I had that POV as well.

    I should go sit outside now? :p


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.