
Sunday 6 November 2011

La Herencia Valdemar [The Valdemar Legacy][2010]

Loosely inspired by the world of H.P. Lovecraft, La Herencia Valdemar (part 1 of a 2 part film) had potential to be another great horror film from Spain.
It begins by following one story, when suddenly 35 minutes into the film it comes to an abrupt end only to begin following another story taking place in the 19th century. While I don't really have a problem with stories jumping back and forth through time, here it comes off as sloppy and could have been handled much more carefully and less offensive to the flow of the narrative.
While the costumes, sets, performances are top-notch, the photography, direction and storytelling is limp and uneven and that really hurts the film. The original score by Arnau Bataller is the highlight of the film and one of the best of 2010.
I'll watch the 2nd half of the film to see if things get better or just a continuity of the mess started in this film.

2 Lizzie Bordens? WTF out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.