
Monday 7 November 2011

La herencia Valdemar II: La sombra prohibida [The Valdemar Legacy II: The Forbidden Shadow] [2011]

What a disappointing (but not surprising) load of crap.
From this film (and it's first part) I was expecting a fun, action packed ride filled with some eye-rolling chuckles or something dark and occulty with some disturbing imagery or bloody scenes. I got neither.
Instead it's a watered down snoozefest that's in an insult to the Lovecraft lore of Cthulhu.
The characters are bland as a bucket of dead fish, the photography looks like it was filmed for afternoon television and the story is a disjointed predictable mess that reeks of a highschool student's first try at creative writing.
Avoid this one like the plague.

1 star out of 5


  1. The only reason I know of these movies is from your inclusion of that great theme on your Best of '10 mix. I'm sorry to see it doesn't live up to the potential of its music. :\

  2. :loldata:

    1 star out of 5? That's pretty uninspiring stuff.

  3. I had heard they were bad.
    They've become quite well known in the "score fan" community as another case of "Excellent score/bad movie".
    I had to see for myself if they really were THAT bad. There's a few films that get that same rep but I actually quite enjoyed. This wasn't one of them. It was SOOOOO boring.


    Yeah..."star" it didn't deserve any fancy Nut rating.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.