
Wednesday 26 October 2011

Seconds Apart (2011)

Every year, I look forward to Horrorfest's 8 Films to Die For. Every year, most of them are terrible. Seconds Apart is not terrible. It's easy for a creepy twins movie to feel like a re-tread, but there's something about Seconds Apart that feels surprisingly fresh. This is partly because of the guy from those old 7-Up commercials, who turns in a powerful performance as a tortured detective, but it's also just a tense, well paced film.

Much of Second Apart's plot doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Given how powerful our main characters were established to be, they could've taken care of the movie's major conflicts pretty early on in the story. Still, it's a cool, atmospheric film with a great string score and some solid performances. Worth watching if you like creepy movies, films about twins, or just want to make 7-Up yours again.

3.5 diabetic twins out of 5.


  1. I forgot about this year's Afterdark.

    *sigh* This will be the first year I'll have to watch them alone...

  2. I've not heard of this "Horrorfest's 8 Films to Die For" thing. :( Is it a States thing?

  3. 'Tis a States thang.


    Title of the film and it's subject matter makes for a difficult way to make a short punny on STS FB. :p

  4. The next movie I'm planning on tackling has a much long title!

    Doc, it's an annual horror movie festival. Most of the movies are pretty low budget, but it's fun to watch them. I think was the best one this year.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.