
Friday 7 October 2011

SAW 3D aka SAW VII [2010]

What's the best way to end a series? Usually you go right back to the beginning and finish it off with an unbelievable ending. Saw 3D sort of does that.
Cary Elwes makes a welcome return, in a bit part, reprising his role from the first film. Besides that, it's business as usual and we're forced to watch people we don't know or care about get their eyes gouged out or get roasted like pigs.
This film has flashes of brilliance and floodlights of shittiness. It almost works but sadly doesn't quite click until the final 20 minutes. For the most part we follow a group of characters introduced for this film and are left not really caring. If this was the last film, it should of focused only on the established characters we all ready know.
Oh well. It is watchable and caps things off really well for the most part but it's just a little boring for a grand finale.
Good riddance.

A very weak 3 Linkin Parks? out of 5


  1. Congratulations on making it through all seven movies. You're a better man for it. Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger...and all that horse shit. Same goes for movies.

    You pretty much reflected the way I felt about the series. First was the best, the rest ranged from bad to so-so, the last one was okay. You were actually more generous than I would have been with my ratings.

    I really enjoyed watching the last one in 3D. They milked it for all it's worth. I also appreciated Cary Elwes's's the only thing that redeemed this pic for me.

    Now go reward yourself with some good horror movies. ;)

  2. your comment reads like a Jigsaw video to me. :loldata:

    Maybe it's just that I've seen too many in a week.

    I have some classics lined up for next week. I am excites.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.