
Sunday 16 October 2011

House II: The Second Story (1987)

New movie, different house. This time, new homeowner Jesse digs up his decomposing great-great grandfather’s corpse in the backyard, releasing him from an ancient family curse. This proves to be more trouble than it’s worth, as a bevy of other supernatural spirits are also freed at the same time, which sends Jesse (and his “friend,” Charlie) on an adventure back and forth in space-time to retrieve the Aztec skulls that will possibly revert everything back to normal. I probably made it sound better than it actually is.

2.5 Aztec skulls out of 5


  1. Did I really forget to add a rating to this or did it get modified after the fact? I'm so embarrassed.
    I also noticed House IV is missing from The Nut List (luckily I found it through the House label).


  2. XD I never noticed.

    Would you like me to add a rating for you?

  3. It's funny, 'cause I was checking it because I forgot what I rated it. :P

    I think it was like a 3 or something...but 3 what? God damn it.

    Oh well.

  4. House IV is on the Nut List. But it's likely there are at least a few things from year one that got overlooked. I'm only human. :(

  5. I added it last night.
    It's got my Canadian address though, so I don't know if you care or not, you can go change it into the pip-pip address...I don't know if it matters.

  6. The first three have the .com address, so it's likely I added them myself but somehow forgot the fourth (as well as my goddamn rating for the second). 2011 was a tough year. :P

    It's interesting we can tell who added what, depending on the .com, .ca, address. They're all interchangeable for me, so it doesn't matter.

  7. @Cuckoo:
    Thanks for adding it. :D
    If it links and is in the correct place, then what follows the dot doesn't matter. My pip-pip address is probably just as annoying as your ca. one for any folks who want all .com. My page adjusts to a anyhow. I don't know if that's just a Chrome thing or not?

    I'd forgotten that you'd added your own. It's been so long. I figured it was probably me during the big catch-up I undertook.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.