
Wednesday 28 September 2011

Johnny English Reborn (2011)

As a faithful fan of Rowan Atkinson, I seek out to watch everything the man has been in, even though I accept that the first movie was pretty horrible. Like Steve Martin's Inspector Clouseau act or Steve Carrell as Maxwell Smart, Atkinson is very funny here doing his uncomfortable comedy routine, and there are several gags that had me in stitches, but the production itself spews ass lava. Also, what the hell is Gillian Anderson doing in this?

2 should have made another Mr. Bean movie out of 5


  1. mr. bean movies are annoying though. they downplay the asshole side of the character and make him way too nice. he was a selfish dick in the show.

  2. Agreed on the Bean movies. I hated them. He got Hollywood-ized in those and tamed down ( I didn't think it was possible to tame Bean down either, but they did).

  3. I actually liked the Bean movies. The first one was kind of Hollywood-ized, but it still had some very funny bits (some of them recycled from the show). The second movie was great in its own right, and a nice send-off for the character (I heard Atkinson retired him, but I do hope he comes back).

  4. I'd be all for another series.

    The series was absolutely brilliant.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.