
Saturday 10 September 2011

Colin (2008)

The (slightly) famous ‘made for £45’ zombie film.
The Good:  he SFX and makeup are fantastic. The story is interesting when it decides to give us some.
The Bad: The lighting is utter shit. It's clearly shot on mini-DV, that’s fine, the problem is mini-DV struggles with contrasts. So what do they do? Backlight shitloads of it!
Did the cinematographer take the year off?
The Ugly: If I marked it on effort and pure determination, I’d give it 5. Sorry, but I have to mark it on whether it is actually any good. I wish I could say otherwise but...

1 significant road sign out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.