
Thursday 8 September 2011

Bridesmaids (2011)

What a stupid fuckin' movie.

Billed as the female version of "The Hangover," it failed to deliver even on a raunchy level. There is only one scene I even laughed at, and that involved diarrhea and vomit. There was also a great meltdown scene at a bridal shower, which I had never seen before. Other than that, it's your usual mainstream Hollywood crowd pleaser, filled with forced laughs and dumb broads (stand-outs here are Kristin Wiig as the hopeless maid of dishonor, and Melissa McCarthy as the Chris Farley character).

The headlines in the poster above lie.

1.5 despicable chick flicks out of 5


  1. Watched this last night. Didn't hate it as much as you did for some reason (and I'm the one who doesn't like comedies :p)

    ...but yes it wasn't as funny as the poster's review seemed to say.

    I laughed maybe every 3 or 4 minutes.

    I'd toss a 2.5 at it.

  2. Bud's disdain for women who won't fuck him I think tainted his opinion. Though there is a lot of it that will fly over a guy's head since some stereotypical woman behaviors just don't make sense to us. McCarthy and Covey were the best.
    She really could have vomited in the sink and let the diarrhea victim use the toilet.
    3 There is semen everywhere out of 5


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.