
Wednesday 7 September 2011

Babylon 5: A Call to Arms (1999)

The Shadow War may have ended six long years ago but not all of the enemy's allies fled. Some of them lurk still in faraway places, like a bad smell in... er... space. (I know – please don’t write in.)
Galen the Technomage (Edward Woodward's son, why didn't that guy get more work?) with his father's strength rallies the necessary troops.
Boxleitner steals the show. He always does, but even more so this time. When taking the chair of the newly built ship he’s like a kid with a toy upgrade, and like all inquisitive kids he wants to throw it down the stairs to see if it holds up.
The film serves a dual purpose: to tell a B5 story and be a shameless set-up for Joe's next project, the ill-fated 13 episode B5 offshoot, Crusade (1999). It manages to do both of those things without offending the viewer.

3 echoes of the darkness out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.