
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Re-Animator (1985)

The film that made Jeffrey Combs a household name amongst the weird kids you knew back in high school.
A vial of green glowing stuff brings back the dead, but they don’t say thanks with flowers.
With a similar black comedy-shock styling as Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead (1981), it's extra-crispy, deep-fried fun. A horror film from the decade when horror films were good.

3½ dead cat backpacks out of 5


  1. These ratings are all relative. I would definitely give this one 5 disembodied heads giving head out of 5.

  2. Yeah, it's all subjective. I start with a mark out of ten and then halve it. So it got 7. That's a good score in my sticky book.

    If it's any consolation, I'd let Herbert West have sex with my sister, if I had a sister. :D

  3. Yeah...3's pretty good in my books too.

    It's got to be a REALLY good movie to get a 5 from me.

  4. Jeez, you guys are so stingy with your disembodied heads giving heads. :P

    I'm used to grading on a four-star scale, so it's a little different (2.5 and under is bad, 3 and up is good). When I rate movies on Netflix, 3 stars is usually mediocre to slightly entertaining for me, 5 is classic, 1 is shite. The half-stars make it even more difficult to determine.

    Anyhoo, carry on. I just wanted to weigh in on my opinion with this movie. For me, it's a classic. These reviews fall a little flat without this back and forth camaraderie.

  5. It's like Ebert, Roeper & dead guy are having at it in the hot-tub.

  6. I tried to "like" your comment, but I almost ended up deleting it.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.