
Monday 29 August 2011

Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (2008)

2.0 is NOT Ghost in the Shell part two, for that see here. It's the first film given some digital jiggery-pokery. The original score was re-recorded. The English language dub updated. Colours were changed to more closely match the sequel and in so doing eliminated some subtle animation and changed the symbolism near the end. Finally, as if they hadn't abused it enough, they added some really shitty CGI. Really shitty!
The blu-ray of 2.0 contains both versions, but the original film is bad quality; for a better encode of it stick with the old DVD edition, not this.

3 'fixes' that don't out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.