
Saturday 20 August 2011

The Devils (1971)

Violent, offensive, sexual and blasphemous - all the good things all in one place. Plus, Ollie Reed! Yes, he was maybe a useless drunk in real life, but he could play a bastard onscreen better than anyone of his era. He delivers his lines with a Shakespearean feather in his cap.
Many films mistake shock value for quality; The Devils has both.
Perfect Sunday viewing. Deserves its place in my top 100.

4½ finger frenzied nuns out of 5


  1. Ken Russell, eh? He's been pretty hit and miss for me.

    The cover inspires me to seek it out, unfortunately it doesn't seem to be available on DVD, at least in my neck of the woods. Damn. And the "finger frenzied nuns" sound so compelling, too.

  2. Wow, that was unpleasant. :loldata:

    I wasn't able to get it up once throughout the entire movie. I had to watch "Images in a Convent" afterwards in order to get the job done. :P

  3. I wasn't sure if you would sit through it all. It's very British (that's not a criticism). I find Ollie Reed hypnotic.

  4. My curse is never being able to leave a movie half-done. Even the B-movie stinkers that are on at 3:30 in the's the "completist" in me. I always think there will be that one last saving grace in that final frame. (roll eyes)

    After watching it, I looked it up on Wikipedia and realized it was the cut version. Apparently, in the original cut, the Vanessa Redgrave nun masturbates with Ollie's charred femur? That would have been the saving grace.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.